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Your donations help provide resources and education for women going through domestic abuse and sexual betrayal.

We thank all of our private and public contributors who continue to support Sisters of Grace through financial funding.

If you prefer to mail your donation,

Mail check to Sisters of Grace Ministry, 709 W. Rusk St, Suite B #837, Rockwall, TX, 75087 

Disclaimer: The author of this website, Sisters of Grace Ministry, and its founder, Linda Reichart, take responsibility for the content presented on this website.


We are not licensed counselors but are trained volunteers who desire to help women in need. Our purpose is to (i) provide compassionate care for women experiencing or who have experienced any form of abuse with encouragement and prayer (ii) provide temporary support to these women in the form of financial or material needs. (iii) Sisters on a Journey helps women discover their true identity in Christ while recovering from the effects of betrayal trauma.

If you'd like for us to speak at your organization and educate people about domestic abuse, please contact us at 469-677-8568.



If you'd like to serve on our team contact Sisters of Grace at 469-677-8568.

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