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About Us

Linda Reichart

Sisters of Grace Ministry originated from a calling from God placed on my heart. 


I’m Linda, founder and Executive Director of Sisters of Grace, and a domestic abuse survivor.


My experience of abuse was physical, emotional, and sexual.  Little or no resources were available in the 1970’s, so I suffered alone.  I was eventually able to escape my abuser.  I realize now that I carried not just the hurt but also the trauma that was only healed through many years of slow redemption and restoration provided by Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.


My path has taken me on a journey to offer care for women, first through prison ministry, then as a Stephen Minister.


A pastor at my church, knowing my backstory, began referring women who were suffering from domestic abuse to me.  As I became more aware of the large numbers of women in this suffering, I realized the need for help was far greater than what I alone could provide.


Sisters of Grace Ministry sprang forth to provide more help for more suffering women by providing trained volunteers to come alongside hurting women.


From that beginning in early 2021, the Lord has blessed the ministry by being able to bring Sisters on a Journey on board to help restore women who are victims of sexual betrayal.  Shann Davis, with an MA in Psychology and APSATS trained, leads this portion of the ministry.


Sisters of Courage is now the crisis care portion of Sisters of Grace. 


Our dream is to continue to find more ways (programs and resources) to address domestic abuse, from its first warning signs to crisis care, and then toward healing and restoration.  This will eventually include programs to educate youth about the warning signs of abuse, a program to assist victims in restoring their lost identity and confidence, and even a program to help men who have been abusers to learn empathy and discover ways to manage anger and build trusting relationships.  We have seen God work in ways that man cannot, and we serve him as we seek to serve others and count on his miracles to do what only he can do.


We count on donations for our financial support.   Please pray for the Sisters of Grace Ministry.  Reach out to us for help if you are a victim, reach out if you feel a calling to become a volunteer, and reach out by way of financial support if you are able.  We have confidence that God will provide all our needs since He has continually been our guide.


Favorite Scripture Verse:


1 Corinthians 13:4-8  "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."



Founder of Sisters on a Journey


Favorite Scripture Verse: 


Galatians 6:2  "Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One (Jesus) as we carry each other's troubles."

Our Team

Disclaimer: The author of this website, Sisters of Grace Ministry, and its founder, Linda Reichart, take responsibility for the content presented on this website.


We are not licensed counselors but are trained volunteers who desire to help women in need. Our purpose is to (i) provide compassionate care for women experiencing or who have experienced any form of abuse with encouragement and prayer (ii) provide temporary support to these women in the form of financial or material needs. (iii) Sisters on a Journey helps women discover their true identity in Christ while recovering from the effects of betrayal trauma.

If you'd like for us to speak at your organization and educate people about domestic abuse, please contact us at 469-677-8568.



If you'd like to serve on our team contact Sisters of Grace at 469-677-8568.

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